Sunday, October 3, 2010

Packed my bag and tools

Well I finally did it! I loaded my truck up with one suitcase, most of my tools and knowledge in my head in hopes of starting my dream in Fort Davis. While it isn't exactly the way I have always pictured it, I guess it's the next best thing. One day my wonderful wife will have a chance to experience life in West Texas.
I know everyone reading this is probably stunned/confused or angry at the fact I packed up and hauled ass out of the busy life in the BIG city. I am NOT leaving my wife and family. I am simply going to try and get my foot in the door down here so when Shauna is ready, making the transition will be easier. I'm almost forty and I absolutely HATE living in the city. I want to spent the other half of my life away from freeways, traffic jambs, air pollution watches and crime. I want to go to a place where people know your name when you walk down the street. I want to leave my windows open on nice nights. I want to see the stars again. I want to enjoy the wonders God created for us all to experience.

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