Friday, October 22, 2010

The Rangers did it!!!

I never thought I'd see the day! Now...if we can only work on those freakin Cowboys!!

Well, I finished one house today. No brick...all siding! Did I mention how much I hate to paint?
It sucks!

I'm really home sick and miss my girls. I'm thinking about going home in the next few days to a week.
The work is here for sure, you've just got to go get it. It won't come to you.
I feel like I'm chasing a premature dream. It's just bad timing. When Riley gets older and when Shauna is in a better position to take time off, that's when I'll go full time down here.

There is so much I miss. Volleyball games, laughing with Shauna, chasing Riley around the house, playing with Moose.

I'm still going forward with building here. I was hoping to get it done sooner being down here full time.
I may end up coming back to do some jobs I get, but only for a week at time. My home is in Fort Worth until the time is right.

I had to stop and take a sunrise pic on my way to work. Of course, you never quite capture the true beauty on camera. You need to see it for yourself.