Friday, October 8, 2010


My old ass is wore out from that fence job. It's done and I got paid!!

I had a Realtor call me today and they need three rent houses painted and some other inside repairs done.
I should be starting on that in a week or so.

I haven't decided on my housing situation yet. If I can manage to do most of my work in Fort Davis, I'll probably move to the old house in the resort. If most of my work ends up in Alpine, I'll go there. I'm not doing the driving thing here to go to work.

I don't like Alpine as much as Fort Davis. It's a college town with quite a few punk ass kids.
Fort Davis is a slow paced, easy going small town.
Yes...we have REAL cowboys out here. Not the wannabes like in Fort Worth.
Those douche bags have never touched a horse in their life.
I went into Murphy's pizza the other day and four dusty guys walked in with boots and spurs on. Not because they thought they looked cool, but because they are real cowboys working 500,000 acre ranches.

One more thing. As most of you know, I despise country music. Out here it's tolerable because it kinda fits.
I can't wait for you guys to come see me. You'll understand why I left the big city. pics today. I'm tired and we didn't have any excitement at work today.
I'm sleeping late tomorrow. I'll post more tomorrow.

I'm coming home Sunday morning early and leaving to come back Friday the 15th.