Monday, October 4, 2010

The big day....job and house hunting!

Well I got up early this morning, printed off resumes and headed to town. I went into just about every shop in town talking to the locals. I'll bet I'm going to be the talk of the town in the morning. I filled out several applications from concrete work to hotel work. I don't care what I do for work down here. Side jobs are plenty down here.
I went to the Chamber of Commerce and spoke with two nice ladies. They were very helpful pointing me in the right direction.

Anyway, I found a place to live. It's here in the resort behind the general store. 1/1 furnished $450 a month! I'm going down tomorrow to check it out.

Check out the pics from today.

Click the pic for hi res.
 This guy was crossing the road this morning. 

Fall has arrived in Big Bend!

Made it!!!

I wanted to keep up with this blog daily, but it's been almost impossible. Once I get settled, I'll start posting daily.
These pics were from 9/29/10 on my way to Fort Davis.

Another lone tree. :)

I'm pretty sure I put a dent in the West Texas grasshopper population.

Now we go from cotton fields to an old western rugged feel. I love it!!!

No Ahmadinejad me these Coyboys would shoot him dead! 

Almost there!!

Coming down Highway 17

This is where you turn to get to DMR!!

Going up the mountain

Finally got there. This is a view from Bob's porch.

This will be the view from my back porch one day.

Bob's dog....Hitch. He is such a sweet dog!