Monday, October 18, 2010

I volunteered at the resort dump today. Today and tomorrow are free dump days. I spent the morning unloading trailers.
I met several new local people. It's all about trust down here.
You can advertise all you want out here, but until people know and trust you, you won't have much work.
Everyone knows everyone or is somehow related.
So volunteering is a good way to meet people.

I went to town today and talked with a Real Estate broker. He wants me to come in Wednesday morning to fix a broken water pipe. He has a 2 page list of stuff that needs to be done on his rentals.
They have about 40 in Fort Davis, Marfa and Alpine. I super excited about this!

Hopefully I'll be home for a week soon. I miss my girls sooo much!!!

No pics today. I'll be posting more soon. It's been all business and no time for fun.