Thursday, October 7, 2010

First day at work!!

It is a fence job for the City of Alpine Water and Sewer. They're having 60,000 KW solar array installed.
Its going to power the facility so we were there to build a fence a fence to keep animals and people out.

My back is a little sore and I was covered in dust, but it was a cool experience. I worked with 2 - 19 year old kids. They were really cool but I had to keep on their butts. They like to sit too much and that was the reason I was hired.

Kevin, my boss warned me about them. Out here, you take what you can get for help because labor is hard to find down here. We'd be screwed if he got rid of them.  The owner was gone for several hours so I was running the show on my first day. I worked right beside them, but when it came time to mix concrete for fence posts, I took a break. :) 

I'm not sure how long I'm gonna be able to help him. I had to leave at 6:30 to get there by 8 am!!
It's NOT traffic out here...just distance. 30 mins to get out of the resort on steep dirt roads and 13 miles down 166 to 17 and 23 miles to Alpine. You should have seen the sunrise though!!! BEAUTIFUL!

I really need to find something in Fort Davis. This really was the reason I left stinky ass Fort Worth.
My cards will be ready soon! Thanks Shauna!!

I didn't have my DSLR today, so I used my cell phone for pics.

The big excitement for the day was boss man, (Kevin not me) was using the bobcat back scraping the lot and backed into an abandoned sewer treatment tank and rolled it on it's side in stinky ass water.
The weeds were sooo high we didn't even know it was there. No sign, no fence...nothing but 3' weeds and 4' of old crap water.

I got a pic at distance with my phone because the City workers were standing around and I didn't want to piss anyone off. I snapped one at the truck.

The big loader was pulling in at quitting time to pull the poor little bobcat out, so I didn't get anymore pics.

Going to bed! Gotta get up at 6 am!!!

                                     Nobody was hurt or got wet. He jumped out like Superman!

                                    Mack mixing concrete. See the city dog pound to the left??